Friday, January 22, 2016

Cause Of Reduced Brain Thinking

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Have you ever felt your brain thinking ability is reduced, whereas before a lot of saving ideas. Apparently if you include people who are busy with meetings activities, it's worth listening to experts the following findings, that the meeting could be the cause of reduced brain thinking skills. Recent research scientists in the United States shows that the meeting or the meeting was able to influence the level of intelligence because the activity is not directly interfere with your ability to think for themselves.

In a study conducted by scientists from Virginia Tech Crilion Research Institute, USA. To arrive at its conclusions, the researchers conducted IQ tests on a group of people who just finished a meeting (meeting). IQ test results significantly showed that people who went in the meeting to have lower grades than those who worked alone. IQ decline can be seen, especially in women than men.

Researchers said the performance of one's thinking tends to be reduced if they received criticism from their peers. It could be a committee meeting to make brain dead.

In his study, researchers enrolled two students from two universities with an average IQ of 126. Then, two students from different universities were pitted against each other (to argue) with a given number of questions. Researchers found that people who do the debate with other people tend to have difficulty when having to undergo an IQ test.

Kenneth Kishida, a scientist from the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute said, everyone needs to understand how the brain works, especially in response to social interactions. "Through neuroimaging, we were able to document how the neural response to social cues caused," he said.

Kishida said, further research is needed to see, how much influence the competition in a group learning and workplace environment on brain function. "By doing brain imaging we can provide solutions in developing a strategy for people who are vulnerable to the kinds of pressure social, "he explained.

In this case, the cause of reduced the brain's ability to think is the social pressures, one of which is meeting the cause of criticism and argument in it. So often there are meetings melekukan adverse effects to the brain.
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