Thursday, April 28, 2016

Men Body Muscles Preferred A Woman

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One of the goals man had an athletic body that is to get women's attention. Someone asked about which parts of men body muscles preferred a woman?
In fact, women do like a muscular man in the stomach. But stomach  six pack is not the only part of the norm. Each woman may have the muscle to be his favorite, but there are 5 parts of this muscle is a frequent note of the men.

Abdominal muscles
Tall and strapping may be the first thing seen of the physical man, but if your stomach is bloated like a fat stack of its appeal is much reduced. Women will think, it was not a young muscular how 10 years.

Solid shoulder
Shoulder is the place of women rely on him. Regular exercise will make it look solid and make the overall physical appearance more masculine.

The biceps
In a survey conducted by the U.S. Cosmopolitan magazine revealed one of five women admitted that men would add biceps plus for men he knew.

A muscular forearm can be perceived as a strong man and could do anything, including small repair jobs at home.

Women also looked at the buttocks of man to know the man's physical activity levels. If you're fit and love sports, usually the buttocks will look high and tight. Conversely if you do more sit and laze around, sagging buttocks and looked down.

the muscle men who preferred womenmuscle where the women preferred
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