Wednesday, February 24, 2016

10 Bad Habits That Reduce The Immune

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Talking about health, the immune system is an important part of one's body to fight disease and infection. A weakened immune system can lead to serious health conditions, such as infection or flu. Weakened immune disease makes it easy, Jiak in an environment that is not appropriate or healthy. You need katahui that the human immune system can be reduced due to various things. Therefore very important to maintain a strong immune system, and one way to do it is to avoid the 10 bad habits that reduce the immune

If you are wondering how stress can cause serious health condition, the following is the explanation. Stress can weaken the immune system. High levels of stress can create hormonal imbalances in your body, damage the immune system function that can affect the way the body in meyembuhkan injury, and may even cause more serious health conditions.

2. Lack of drinking water
Water is an amazing liquid, which can help the overall functioning of your body, including the immune system. Water has the ability to flush any harmful toxins in the body's immune system. Drinking enough water can also membarikan opportunity for the immune system to rest and help do its job.

3. Not clean habits
Cleanliness may not affect your immune system directly, but it can prevent infection and disease by eliminating germs and bacteria. If you're sloppy, you will only aggravate the task of the immune system, because your behavior may invite harmful organisms into the body. At some point, these organisms can overcome the immune system that cause disease or infection.

4. Obesity
Scientists have found that obesity can weaken one's immune system. While more research is needed to find a direct relationship between obesity and increased risk of infection because the immune system is weakened. Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise perting to apply to people with obesity to reduce the risk of health complications.

5. Too much sun
Briefly bask in the sun by using sunscreen is actually not a bad thing, but the sun too long can cause sunburn. Studies have shown a relationship between UV radiation and damage to the immune system. Excessive sun exposure can also increase the risk of skin cancer.

6. Smoke
Smoking not only increases the risk of lung cancer, but also can weaken the immune system. There are thousands of toxins in cigarette smoke can affect immune cells in the body and impair their function. This is the reason why smokers are more prone to severe respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis and even pneumonia. If you are a smoker and are looking for ways to strengthen the immune system, then you need to quit smoking.

7. Alcohol
Studies have shown the effects of excessive alcohol consumption and how it can destroy the body's antibodies needed to fight the virus-infected cells. Such as smokers, those suffering from alcoholism are more likely to suffer from serious infections and diseases such as tuberculosis.

8. Lack of sleep
Important to get a good rest to ensure your immune system to function properly. When sleeping, the body is able to restore and refuel, including the immune system. If you limit the amount of sleep consistently, you have put yourself at higher risk of infection and serious medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

9. Lack of exercise
Not having enough time berolaharaga can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of disease or infection. Research has shown that regular physical activity can help boost the immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells in the body to help fight all forms of the disease.

10. Too much exercise
Excessive physical activity can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system and can overload the immune system. Remember, enough time off for recovery is as important to the immune system rather than perform an adequate exercise.

If some things have a habit diaatas you, begin to decrease, if the weight to leave, could reduce these habits will help keep your immune system, healthy life is happy

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