Sunday, February 14, 2016

Why Men Are Afraid To Approach A Smart Woman?

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It was common that women today are not just a beautiful effort, but also smart. So they are always consciously trying to develop themselves. If you know, this action would make most men feel reluctant to approach you. This is because they have the wrong perception about a smart woman, so undo yourself for dating you. This is due to some misunderstanding they had received about intelligent women, or they form a clever concept, according to their own perceptions. So maybe you want to know why men are afraid to approach a smart woman?

Men think smart women always busy
Just because you've got plenty to do, does not mean you do not have time to get in touch with a man. It's true, if the he wanted to meet with you, you then have to spend some special time for him. But it does not mean just because you're crazy man, you always clear the time whenever he wants to see. Smart women know when to put the harmonious relationship, and when to put the interests of his work.

They think you are rather set
Behind a successful man, there is usually a great woman, so the saying goes. But this does not mean you always control the partner's behavior. Smart women will actually provide opportunities for partners to develop and find his own passion. Intelligent woman who also knows how to keep their partner's ego, with the occasional opinion or ask for help.

He thinks it would be difficult to make you happy
Just because you get used to dine in a fancy dinner, or be entertained at venues outside the country, does not mean you do not appreciate a little surprise or a simple date with the him. So, men should not be disappointed or scared first. When you feel stressed due to workload increases, you will actually enjoy leyeh-leyeh while watching How I Met Your Mother both the him. Cemilannya or fried peanut brittle enough to buy on brothers.

They think your activities do not attract
They think women are smart to focus only on serious matters, and do not like to have fun. You thought only interested in attending events such as seminars, workshops, or events that other self-development goals. However, smart women are actually more stimulated to explore new things. The seminar is just one small example of it. They are also interested in other things such as culture, travel, music, adventure, and so forth.

Men think women are arrogant because intelligent
Smart woman who usually knows these things better in his life, and it makes you look arrogant for a man. Women who know how to maintain good health, wear appropriate clothing, or choose his friends carefully, should not necessarily be considered arrogant. Know how to look, and hang out with people who have similar interests, is a sign of confidence. Smart women are happy because they can do anything he wants.

They think a smart woman would feel always right
Experienced the biggest misconception is that women are a smart guy that always wants to prove that the most correct opinion. Women considered to be annoying when it does not agree with a statement which he knows are not true. Men are also upset when he meets the woman who always rectify what was said his interlocutor. In fact, there is a difference between a smart woman, or women who knowingly.

Although this is the wrong mind of a man, but it happens a lot, because it is essentially a man wants to be protective for women. Once you know which one's perception of a man against a smart woman, you can overcome them with a better attitude.

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