Monday, March 21, 2016

How To Make A Naturally Beautiful Woman?

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How to make a naturally beautiful woman? What woman does not want to look beautiful even very pretty. In fact many women are still inferior to the appearance that they have, so often made ​​efforts to make it more beautiful. Now we know a lot of medical products or cosmetics that offer beauty, are often the products are even harmful to our bodies, kimaia cosmetic or plastic surgery for beauty may fail and damage the body. So many women are thought to be naturally beautiful. Whether you're looking for female beauty tips on how to look naturally beautiful, this in some other tips for more natural skin beautiful women

1.  Clean the skin gently
breeze on my face, makes us feel good, but causes the dust and dirt menyumpat pores of our skin, add a thick pile of dead skin cells and dirt on our skin. Therefore the most important skin care is a clean skin. If the skin is not washed clean, then the pile of dead skin cells will grow thick, blackheads and acne, it is disturbing the absorption of vitamins and nutrients for the skin.

Therefore, keeping the skin clean is the main thing. To clean the skin, choose a facial cleanser that does not cause alergy on the skin, contains no harmful chemicals and according to your skin type.
In addition adjust also cleaning the skin with the state of our skin, for example when we use thick makeup, skin cleanser should be used to clean up the remnants of make-up perfectly. At the moment we do not use makeup, use a cleanser that can be lighter. At the time the condition of oily skin and dry skin at the time, use different cleaners for both conditions.

2. Maintain Skin Moisture
Indonesia is a tropical region where the average air temperature including tinggi.Sinar scorching sun can stimulate the oil glands to work more actively, but the skin is often dehydrated. Therefore you should choose skin care products that have high water content to keep the skin moisture, preventing dehydration of the skin and prevents premature aging.

3. Use Scrub Regularly
Dirt and dead skin cells that clog the pores of the skin, causing skin looks dull and could not breathe and reduce the skin's ability to absorb nutrients. To avoid this, use a body scrub regularly. Scrub function as sandpaper, which remove impurities and dead skin cells are formed, making the skin can breathe a sigh of relief and be able to absorb the nutrients optimally, as well as stimulate the growth of new skin cells faster. The skin will look clean and shiny. Use a scrub of natural ingredients that are safe for the skin and do not cause allergies, it could use honey to the skin or other herbs

4. Use a Helper Cosmetic Ingredients
If the condition of your skin or body in unsanitary conditions, eg, acne, premature wrinkles or look dull, then some alternative cosmetic skin care or treatment can be used to speed healing or restoration of your skin condition. Keep in mind that the use of cosmetics skin care or treatment is not recommended for use in a long time to avoid the effects of skin pigmentation coercion. After the recovery period, follow-up care can be done by using mild soap or other protective powder.

5. Care of the body
To get a healthy and beautiful skin is not just rely on care from the outside only but also care to note from the inside. The skin also needs nutrients, foods that contain lots of vitamins A, C, and E is very good for the skin, in addition to adequate rest and exercise will also help the growth of skin and affect the skin condition. Do not miss the drinking water, because water is a very important factor to keep the skin moisture, and prevents premature aging.

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