Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Vitamin C Supplements Can Lower Blood Pressure

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What supplements or medicines for high blood pressure, many drugs have been made to it. The recent discovery that vitamin C supplements can lower blood pressure. Johns Hopkins in its latest research found the benefits of high-dose supplementation of vitamin C to help reduce blood pressure. However, the researchers emphasize that these findings do not encourage people to take vitamin supplements. Although it seems easy, but how to consume vitamin C is not well taken in doses high.

 Research shows that vitamin C can affect blood pressure. But before we recommend vitamin C supplements as a treatment for high blood pressure (hypertension), we still need more research to understand the implications of the consumption of vitamin C supplements, "says study leader, Edgar R. Miller Pete who published his findings in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 

Some experts believe that high levels of vitamin C, an essential micronutrient that is found mainly in fruits and vegetables, may lower blood pressure. But studies conducted a randomized controlled trial on diet and nutrition interventions showed mixed results.

In his research, Miller and his colleagues reviewed and analyzed data from 29 previous clinical trials that were randomly selected. The findings showed that volunteers who ate an average of 500 milligrams of vitamin C per day, reduced blood pressure 3.84 mmHg in the short term. Even among those diagnosed with hypertension, blood pressure reduction is closer to 5 mmHg.

Levels of 500 milligrams of vitamin C equivalent of about six cups of orange juice. Meanwhile, the recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults is 90 milligrams. 
By comparison, Miller said, patients who take blood pressure-lowering drugs such as ACE inhibitors or diuretics the blood pressure decreased about 10 millimeters of mercury. 
"Although our findings only found a small effect on blood pressure reduction, but if the entire U.S. population can lower their blood pressure as much as 3 mm Hg, the risk of stroke will be much less," said Miller.

A good way is to take supplements or medicines that fit romendasi doctor. If using nutrition of fruit juice with a small amount more, it may be safely performed.
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